Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Core Libraries

Total dependencies: 1404

Utilities for unit testing Asp WebApi Projects. Builds on ApprovalTests
Query parameter binding for ASP.NET WebAPI
在WEB API中,支持绑定多个参数实体类。并且支持将路由中的值自动绑定到同名的参数中。
MyTested.WebApi is a strongly-typed unit testing library providing an easy fluent interface to test the ASP.NET Web API framework. See the project repository and documentation for more information and an overview of the available features.
Provide extend classes to work with ASP.NET WebAPI and Owin
A Castle Windsor Pipeline Implementation for MediatR
VersionedRestApi provides a simple but powerful attribute called 'ApiRoute' that lets you annotate your Web API actions with versions (or version ranges). Versioning is handled via the URI (as opposed to query string parameter, header, or body parameter). See GitHub project readme for mor...
Custom ApiExplorer for genrating API documentation for message based apis.
Asp.Net MVC class library integration with elliptical front-end technologies.
Identity and commerce administration class library.
web components
Extends the Microsoft.AspNet.OData package to provide built in controllers with support for all OData functions for WebAPI. Just register an IODataProvider with Unity,
Asp.NET Web API client generator for TypeScript files
Help library for integration of Orion Identity Management into ASP.NET Web Api applications
Provides helper methods for easier web ASPNET WebApi development
Package that adds whats needed to run a webapi library with iis owin connection and autofac, mediatr.
Contains a collection of helpful types, filters and framework improvements to enable quick and easy development