Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Core Libraries

Total dependencies: 1404

This Nuget package is created to simplify the following authentication in Asp.Net Identity: - Cookie authentication for web sites - Token based authentication for HTML applications to Web Api - Token based authentication for HTML applications to OData
Lynicon CMS core for ASP.Net MVC with ASP.Net Identity.
Smart.OAuth 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //Web Controllers权限校验(Header或者URL或者Cookies上需要添加token参数) Smart.OAuth.SmartOAuth.InitControllerAuthorizeAttribute(GlobalFilters.Filters); //WebAPI权限校验(Header或者URL上需要添加token参数) GlobalConfiguration.Configu...
Smart.Web 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //全局封装webapi的返回结果如:{"Code":500,"Data":null,"Message":"尝试除以零。","Success":false} GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitAPIResultAttribute); //全局异常处理 GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitApiExceptionHand...
a server core for iS3 server dev
Library provides fine tuned, proven set of integrated components glued together to solve modern cloud based application needs
SiteServer CMS 邮件发送插件
WebApi implementation of the health check endpoints for reporting the health of app infrastructure components.
Fabrik.Common.WebAPI is full of useful code we use for building ASP.NET Web API applications at fabrik.
Neat web api stuff
A .NET library for enabling configurable role based authorization for MVC and Web API.
WebApi.Pagination allows you to easily add Range Header-based pagination to existing WebAPI endpoints that operate on IQueryable data sources.
WebApi integration for NotDeadYet.
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
DRUM - Direct Route URI Maker for ASP.NET Web API
Visual studio extensibility package
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Search Service via public REST APIs.
Web.Api library for ChilliSource.Cloud