Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1869

A set of msbuild tasks to support automated build for projects
Client side library for the AppFx.Microservices communication framework
The BrakePedal.Http package provides code to use the BrakePedal library in a Web API application as an attribute, handler, or filter.
Utilities for ASP.NET WebApi
Azure graph API wrapper for retrieving active directory reporting information.
Common web-related functionality, including REST and JSON clients to simplify interacting with services.
Odata queryable api endpoints for generic services.
A simple Slack integration library
A library for the API
WebApi and Castle.Windsor integration.
Simple implementation of the JSend specification for ASP.NET Web API.
WebApi (System.Web.Http) logging extensions using LogJam
HubAnalytics.WebAPI2 Class Library
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Crosscutting Application Block
ASP NET Web Api and EmberJS Integration
Web Api validation attributes, that cares about request method type
Provides the ability to trigger the change in module output, create and delete subscriptions, and retrieve the list of active cloudBit modules and their individual status. For more information about the littleBits cloudBit, see For more information about the c...
A library that extends ASP.NET Web API Documentation. For usage, see the project link at