Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1869

A library to simplify working with data in Azure Mobile Apps.
OAuth2Authenticator component
Package Description
The Golf Badges SDK allows you to leverage the latest golf technology inside your app.
Client library for interacting with the GoSweetSpot Freight system api.
Perfon.WebApi is an open source performance monitoring .Net framework for Web Api 2 applications without using windows performance counters. It has built-in UI dashboard and Rest API. Collected data is stored in-memory cache, and/or in LiteDB embedded database, and/or in any custom storage driver. ...
.Net Adapter for Drools KieServer
Contains all the extentions and code that Cavin uses and maintains.
Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel with additional middleware to expose IQueryable reponses as OData.
Master NuGet Plugin can be used to quickly add Real-Time Personalization (+RTP) to your app. It contains a customizable, end-to-end plug-n-play solution that quickly adds all necessary code (OAuth2, File Selector and App Chain coding) to your app.
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the native Umbraco data type. Allows for deserializing data types to strongly typed models.
AbiokaApi Domain framework
AbiokaApi Domain framework
An UmbracoVault extension library for the Archetype data type. Allows for Archetype properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the MultiUrlPicker data type. Allows for Multi Url Picker properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the nuPickers data types. Allows for deserializing the Picker data and auto converting picked values to enums.