Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework

Total dependencies: 464

FeatureSwitch helper library for System.Web.Optimization
Grinds your CoffeeScript/JavaScript and Less/CSS files on the fly!
ExtJS and Sencha Touch application minification library. Allows to automate minification using ASP.NET MVC engine.
A set of extensions for Sitefinity CMS that provide developers with solutions to common problems not available out of the box.
Sprockets style dependency resolver for .NET and System.Web.Optimization
Helpers for jQuery Mobile in ASP.NET MVC 4
Configure MVC 4 Bundles in the Web.config
A Web Forms control for Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
ScriptDependencyOrderer is a dependency-based IBundleOrderer for JavaScript and TypeScript bundles that looks at /// <reference /> tags.
Extends Content Injector for ASP.NET MVC with support for Microsoft's Web Optimization Framework.
The idea behind these helpers is that you have a site that uses media quires. You need to also support IE8 and below. But want to use the styles that are defined in your media quires in IE8 also. It is written on top of the 4.5 Web Optimization framework provided by Microsoft.
Resolve relative resource references in CSS files allowing them to be easily included in bundles.
Bundling and minification support for SASS processing using libsass
Provides a customizable IBundleTransform for precompilation of handlebarsjs views.
Allows Glimpse users to view and diagnose Bundles, and see which are in use on the current page.
ASP.NET compiler and bundler for Undersctore.js templates.
A bundle that generates sprites for css images
Fixes and improvements over System.Web.Optimization
ASP.NET Bundle to bundle all partial view templates into a single file