Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Pushes changes to an entoty context using signalr
BEM infrastructure for ASP.NET MVC applications
[Meta-Package] This is my favorite set of libraries and/or assemblies to start a new general-purpose site in MVC 4 with. It covers server-side optimizations like Bundling, and client-side tools like knockout and jQuery.
Automatic View Models for DD4T. Allows use of attributes to define mapping of IComponent to View Model classes.
This package added areas support by Bruce Yu based on an ASP.NET MVC application which shows how to use the features in ASP.NET Identity.
helpsd asp net
Harness razor templates for generating strings for file generation this is an alternative to using T4 templates
Helpers for Razor views
My package description.
Authorize client applications with Identity Server