Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Application Insights for .NET Core Worker Service Applications

Total dependencies: 33

Package Description
The Collection of extension methods for DotNetCore application development.
The Collection of the Logging related functionality for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
The collection of the functionality for Options Validations that can be utilized for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
The Collection of the Azure Key Vault related functionality for both Webhost and GenericHost.
The collection of the IHost related functionality used with GenericHost.
Core utilities for ApplicationInsights.
Common logging/telemetry functionality to used by all services within the Elvia ecosystem.
Let's Encrypt Automatically SSL Provisioning for AspNetCore website hosted with Kestrel. Generates and updates outdated SSL Certificates.
Let's Encrypt library that can be used with IHost.
The ML.NET HealthCheck for Kubernetes Clusters.
The Azure Storage HealthCheck for Kubernetes Clusters.
The collection of the HealthChecks functionality for Worker Pods.
The Data Protection Azure Based Library for AspNetCore and GenericHost.
The collection of the HealthChecks functionality for AspNetCore.
The collection of the functionality for AspNetCore WebHost.
The Collection of the Machine Learning related functionality for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
The collection of the functionality for Azure Storage, Blob, Queue and Table.
The collection of the functionality for Azure Storage, Blob, Queue and Table for AspNetCore.
Machine Learning Library that builds Spam/Ham model to be used within AspNetCore Web Api project.