Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Material Design Themes XAML Resources

Total dependencies: 60

ResourceDictionary instances containing Material Design templates and styles for WPF controls in the MahApps library.
An simple and beautiful message box for WPF applications.
Material Design Extensions is based on Material Design in XAML Toolkit to provide additional controls and features for WPF apps. The controls might not be specified in the Material Design specification or would crash the scope of Material Design in XAML Toolkit.
Package Description
Dynamically generated forms and dialogs in WPF
A library designed for various types of tasks. Part of the RIS "ecosystem".
Package Description
Package Description
Contains basic UI functionalities.
Common functions for .NET applications
This library contains material design styles for WPF.
Containing the core components of RS-Base like converters, RSView, Snacky, and other nice stuff
Rocket powered machine learning. Create, compare, adapt, improve - neural networks at the speed of thought.
Some common packages for .net core,e.g. Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Also some useful apis.
ResourceDictionary instances containing Material Design templates and styles for WPF controls in the MahApps library.
Library that can generate WPF Forms using decoration tags
Show, close material dialogs & messages box, dialog identifier.