Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MassTransit

Total dependencies: 220

A bunch of helpers to minimize configuration process of MassTransit on top of RabbitMq.
MongoDb MessageData repository implementation for MassTransit
MassTransit is a distributed application framework for .NET, including support for RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus.
Implementation of Couchbase repository for persistence of MassTransit Automatonymous Sagas.
Unity helpers to wire up MassTransit types for Miles.
RapidTransit, a quick library to get started building autonomous services using MassTransit
RapidTransit, a quick library to get started building autonomous services using MassTransit
RapidTransit, a quick library to get started building autonomous services using MassTransit
RapidTransit, a quick library to get started building autonomous services using MassTransit
Library provides MassTransit messaging adapters
Package Description
LeanCode Core library
MassTransit middleware that allows to pass a logging scope from a producer to a consumer through the message headers
Package Description
Exchnage base worker logic
MassTransit Sagas persistence support for NoSQL.