Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MSTest.TestFramework

Total dependencies: 269

BUILDLet Unit Test Utility for .NET Core
Arcana Studio development toolkit for MSTest
This C# Package helps you easily interact with the vPOS API allowing merchants apps/services to request a payment from a client through his/her mobile phone number.
Contains some supporting code for MSTest Unit Tests.
An open-source data solution testing library (using SpecFlow).
FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax to MsTest.
Provides a MSTest base class for tests based on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Use common Startup.cs patterns like ConfigureServices(...) and Configure(...) to setup your tests. Includes TestContext properties in configuration and enables TestContext logging.
A .NET library for using the open source, .NET Standard MSTest V2 (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
ZeroSlope Infrastructure Library
Integration of Riganti.Selenium.DotVVM for DotVVM Framework.
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment by offering LightBDD.Framework features on top of MsTest v2 (MSTest.TestFramework) testing framework. High level features: * user friendly bdd scenario definitions; * test execution tracing and time measurement, helpful during longe...
MSTest TestContext logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Commonly used Methods: TestContextLoggingBuilderExtensions.AddTestContext Commonly used Types: TestContextLogger
A modern, immutable, async-first abstraction of hierarchical file systems with a consistent and developer friendly API that allows seamless switching between multiple underlying file system manifestations, while also fixing and hiding the flaws and inconsistencies of the wrapped APIs. This package ...
biz.dfch.CS.Testing ======================== Collection of utility classes that provide functionality for testing
Ms Test Support to allow for create, run one or more docker images while testing using docker, compose, machine (Linux, Windows, Mac) using netcore or full framework. Documentation:
Core Testing libraries for consistent frameworks.
Simple and Lightweight Unit Testing of Dynamics 365 Plugins/Workflows using Microsoft Fakes
Easy-to-use test run reporter for MSTestV2 (testfx)
This package provides utilities for MSTest.
Helper classes for bridge related unit tests