Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Lucene.Net

Total dependencies: 141

ASP.NET Core extensible and embeddable documentation engine
Lucene.Net implementation of the Kasbah indexing system
Easy mocker for Examine index testing.
Sqlite.FullText is a full-text indexing helper class based on in sqlite
A service that provides functionality for mapping C# types to Lucene Documents and back.
A simple service that helps to abstract common operations when interacting with indexes.
Lucene-based Full-text Search Indexing for Umbraco websites.
An easy to use search Library powered by Lucene.Net
Object Document Mapping for Lucene.Net
Glass & Sitecore 6.6 extensions for Lucinq 2.9
Map objects to Lucene.Net Documents and vice versa. Query for Documents based on their mapped types.
SimpleLucene is a wrapper for the popular Lucene.NET search engine. It makes common Lucene tasks such as creating, indexing and maintaining your index much easier.
This project allows you to create Lucene Indexes and use them in Windows Azure.
A C# Common Components
基于Chih-Hao Tsai 的 MMSeg 算法( )实现的中文分词器,并实现 的 analyzer以方便在Lucene.Net中使用。本代码来源于*王员外*(基于Java版的翻译,升级到了最新版Lucene.Net (≥ 3.0.3),并包含简单示例和NuGet安装包。
盘古分词( ),由于老版本不支持最新Lucene.Net 3.0.3,对其进行了升级,可以支持最新的Lucene.Net 3.0.3。可以直接NuGet安装。
C# port of NrtManager and SearcherManager from Lucene 3.5.0
Lucene.NET extension (derived searcher) with simplified (and correct!) facet behaviour
Provides full-text search using Lucene for the MicroCms CMS framework