Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Lokad.ILPack

Total dependencies: 7

AqlaSerializer is intended to serialize objects, not just data. What the difference? Data serializers don't care much about language runtime specifics like references, inheritance, etc. In contrast, an object serializer should take such things into account. AqlaSerializer primary goal is to suppo...
C# to JavaScript compiler-as-a-service 🚀
RunSharp is a runtime IL generator based on Reflection.Emit and IKVM which allows you to emit IL in a way similar to writing normal C# code. It's a layer above the standard .NET Reflection.Emit API, allowing to generate/compile dynamic code at runtime very quickly and efficiently (unlike usin...
Method Builder to Jitex.
Aspect Oriented Programming framework which supports dynamic code generation
Package Description
SuperTools is an advanced set of libraries to aid low-level development in C#. This package provides extension methods for saving SuperInvoke implementations to disk.