Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on LightInject

Total dependencies: 175

UBaseline Elasticsearch search library
Pequeño framework MVVM apenas en construcción para Uno Platform Uso rápido protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e) { new AppRoutes(LightUno.Application.RoutingService); // crea la clase approutes new AppDependencies(LightUno.Application.Container); // crea la clase ap...
High-performance, highly modular, fully asynchronous .NET/Mono framework for building HTTP services and web sites
LightInject IOC packge for the Exrin Xamarin MVVM framework
Command line tool used to measure REST API test coverage. Tool takes StoryLine.Rest tests execution report and compares it to API information stored in Swagger document.
ReCloud Core Class Library