Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Kentico.Xperience.Libraries

Total dependencies: 17

This package provides an Xperience custom module to auto-register the ASPNET Core appsettings.json as Xperience's configuration source. This is useful in Console applications which do not use an IHostBuilder to configure the application.
Contains all assemblies required to use the Kentico Xperience API in class libraries developed for ASP.NET MVC 5 applications. Does not include content items or other modifications intended for the MVC web application itself.
Contains assemblies and content items required to integrate Kentico Xperience into ASP.NET Core applications.
Contains libraries and interfaces for the Xperience integration with Recombee AI-Powered Recommender. Should be installed in the Kentico Xperience Live site project.
Kentico Xperience v13 custom provider to enable using upsert alternative forms, so you can customize a page type with one alternative form named 'upsert'.
For Kentico CMS Extends the Relationships to allow usage of Ad-hoc relationships (which allow order by) within the Relationship UI, add Node Categories, UI templates and tools to manage Many-To-Many relationships between Nodes and Objects and Objects to Objects, with Ordering support, and Macros and...
Add Widget Containers functionality to MVC Page Builder. This package is for the Kentico Application (Mother).
The MVC Helper for the Kentico RelationshipsExtended module, provides DocumentQuery and ObjectQuery extensions and IBindingInfo interface to easily create and leverage relationships within Kentico
This is the Base module that contains libraries and interfaces used both in the Admin and MVC Site.
Contains assemblies and content items required to integrate Kentico Xperience into ASP.NET MVC 5 applications.
Framework that gives you an efficient way to create automated tests for the Kentico Xperience API. Provides base classes for tests and additional supporting API.
For Kentico 13 .net Core only, this is the widget that leverages the PartialWidgetPage.Kentico.MVC.Core libraries, allowing you to render pages through a widget
KenticoAuthorize attribute that allows you to authenticate users based on Logged in, Page ACL, Role, Username, and Module Permission, also allows for custom redirects on unauthenticated.
This package provides helpful extension methods for the various Kentico Xperience Document/Object query APIs.
Restores Kentico Generic Roles of _authenticated_ _notauthenticated_ and _everyone_ with code to automatically create and maintain these listings. This should be installed on both the Admin (Mother) and Site (MVC)
Base Pagebuilder classes for Kentico Xperience 13. This is referenced by both PageBuilderContainers.Kentico and PageBuilderContainers.Kentico.MVC / Core
Integration with Glimpse that provides debug information from Kentico Xperience.