Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on IdentityModel.OidcClient

Total dependencies: 30

Client library for the Kubernetes open source container orchestrator.
The WebAPI Client Service assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
Pre-release of the Library. Documentation to come.
Package Description
Auth0 OIDC Client for native apps
The AtlasEngine integration for autonomous identity provision.
VNPT iLIS Security Middleware
Ring 2 library based on VaraniumSharp. This library makes use of and extends VaraniumSharp to be a base for other (Ring 3) projects.
Synuit Cloud Platform SDK
Common API for Flex Communications
Open ID Connect authentification service for Signal2GO
Package Description
快速集成 Authing OIDC 认证功能到客户端。