Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentValidation

Total dependencies: 841

Contains the core classes to build queries.
Fattura elettronica per le aziende e la pubblica amministrazione italiana
Generic Repository implementations for Elasticsearch.
Extension to integrate Ark.Tools.Solid framework with FluentValidation
Package providing extension methods to assist in the Startup of a dotnet6 app.
PointlessArhitecture Breeze
Request message validator for Grpc.AspNetCore
A microservice framework built for .NET Core
Package Description
A .Net client for our JudoPay API, allowing you to quickly and easily process payments
Net4.7.2 c# Library WPF + ReactiveUI
AspNet Scaffolding with log, serializer, and all structure to work good for me :D
HotChocolate GraphQL FluentValidation integration
Api Library
FluentValidation support to validate IBAN user input.
MediatR extension to FluentValidation for .NET framework.
A library for using FluentValidation with Blazor
OneLine.Common is a project that can be used on a server backend as well on client side application that support net standard like xamarin or blazor.
eShopWorld common test stack
Package Description