Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentMigrator

Total dependencies: 96

DB migrations for Asp.Net Identity providers.
A library of extension methods to facilitate the CQL workflow when using FluentMigrator for database migrations.
Package Description
Provides database migrations for SQL Server.
Adds a command to the package manager console to generate migrations for FluentMigrator.
Add a commands to the package manager console to generate migrations for FluentMigrator.
Common utilities are covered in this package.
Migrating database code utilities are covered in this package.
Package containing VersionedMigrationAttribute that helps generate distinct migration numbers.
Easy, poco-based migration helpers for FluentMigrator.
Management column for FluentMigrator
Use FluentMigrator with old Migrator.NET migrations
Adds a command to the package manager console to generate migrations for FluentMigrator.
Package Description
Package Description
An alternative fluent interface for FluentMigrator.
Package Description