Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentAssertions

Total dependencies: 314

Библиотека с шагами работы с WebUI
C#/.Net building blocks supporting integration testing of concrete repository and unit of work implementations based on Ease.Repository. The abstract base classes provide a set of baseline tests as protected *_Impl(...) methods that you delegate to in trivial overrides. This provides the benefit of ...
C#/.Net building blocks supporting integration testing of concrete repository and unit of work implementations based on Ease.Repository.AzureTable. The abstract base classes provide a set of baseline tests as protected *_Impl(...) methods that you delegate to in trivial overrides. This provides the ...
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD
Библиотека с шагами работы с веб-сервисами
Библиотека с шагами подключения к базе данных, выполнения запросов и запуска хранимых процедур
Библиотека с общими шагами генерации уникальных данных, а также с универсальными проверками корректности значений
API functional tests with a fixture pattern
A small set of extensions for FluentAssertions for working with Functional.Maybe
Contains Moq argument matchers using FluentAssertions
A Fluent Assertions companion for Biz.Morsink.Results.
Package Description
Core Infrastructure classes for Automite Framework
NUnit and MOQ extensions
A very extensive set of extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit test. This package adds Xamarin support. Supports the unit test frameworks xUnit, NUnit PCL and NUnitLite.
The tasty specification framework.
Helpers for testing ASP.NET Mvc4 with FluentAssertions
Package Description