Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ExcelDataReader

Total dependencies: 84

ExcelDataReader extension for reading Microsoft Excel files into System.Data.DataSet.
An extension of ExcelDataReader that supports fluent mapping of rows to C# objects.
FMPC is a service with utilities such as standard messages, document validators and CDN for images and PDF.
A library for reading and writing Excel files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use.
Test Framework Core, Any Test should be using this solution, as it brings a super set of methods for Testing
Package Description
Libraries for detecting data, encoding and file types. Part of the Microsoft PROgram Synthesis using Examples SDK (PROSE).
Generate typed read-only access for a sheet in an Excel workbook containing data in columns
The library allows to create complex batch / workflow using fluent syntax. The library is .Net Standard 2.0 and included more common work task like Database source and destination, text source and destination, xml source and destination, loop work task, conditional work task, Excel source, json sour...
MoreThanI Standard SDK
Libreria para uso de logs cargue de archivos guardado masivo en base de datos
Power Tools for In-Memory Data Processing
SiteServer CMS
Library for importing Excel spreadsheets into SQL Server tables
Helps to convert schedule of HIT.
Excel data importer that auto-detects the location of table headers and selects the appropriate object from a set of candidate types. See for usage instructions.
Helps to convert schedule of HIT.
DataAccess library.
Converts an Excel file into a dataset where each table corresponds to the Excel sheet Just using one row of code such as: System.Data.DataTable dt = SFERA.Helpers.Excel.ConvertToDataset(@"J:\yourExcelFile.xlsx").Tables[0];
ExcelOperation Library