Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DotNetOpenAuth

Total dependencies: 16

Extends the FubuMVC.Authentication Bottle and provides integration with Twitter authentication.
Super simple and easy to install package that allows web sites creators to seamlessly add OAuth support to their ASP.NET MVC 3 sites. Supporting Twitter, Google and Facebook.
SimpleID is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that provides a simple Relying Party implementation for OpenID.
OElite Web API SDK for OElite Platform based application development
LinkedIn API toolkit Majority of the LinkedIn API has been implemented. Sample and examples can be found at
An MvcContrib Portable Area that provides quick and easy OpenID support.
An MvcContrib Portable Area that provides quick and easy OpenID support. Uses Razor Views.
An MvcContrib Portable Area that provides quick and easy OpenID support. Uses WebForms Views.
To Test Oauth
Best practices for Mvc4 and WebApi
Various utilities used by SSO.
DotNetOpenAuth stuff