Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

Dapper for IdentityServer3 including Clinet, Scope and Token etc.
more extensions for dapper
An implementation of the Syrx ICommander for relational databases.
This is a port of Hangfire.MysqlStorage to use the new (and better) open source MySqlConnector driver:
sql config in xml files base dapper
Stores MiniProfiler V3 timings in a MySQL database.
mbtool webapi class library
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
Utility Classes to speed up development
DapperMapper will ease your Data Management in Microsoft SQL SERVER and and Sqlite with the same interface. We provide Bulkinsert from JSON file in the package named "JSONAM" ease as one line of code to insert millions record to the supported database.
NFinal2 MVC framework
Dapper integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.