Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper.Contrib

Total dependencies: 150

Added migration scripts
SiteServer CMS
Package Description
Alchemium Unlimited for .NET 7
Furion 数据库访问器 Dapper 插件。
Biblioteca de itens comuns entre projetos Dapper da FACode
Whitelist tablenames using information schema
GoldenEye is a Full Stack framework written in .NET Core. The main goal of GoldenEye is to speed up your development process. It gathers most widely used frameworks in .NET world and pack them into a simple bootstrap Nuget packages. It also provide set of base classes, helpers, extensions that will ...
A light abstraction around Dapper and Dapper.Contrib that also maintains the behavior IDbConnection. This library facilitates a loosely coupled design and unit testing.
Controller logic, view models and services for the Schematic CMS framework
CC.DapperSqlMaker Dapper链式查询扩展
An option to store mail messages in SQL server and a console application send unsent messages. This will help to move sending logic out of main business task. Github source:
Package Description
A module that allows you to save the state of the saga in sqlserver --------------------- .net core Saga / ProcessManager implementation
Package Description
Package Description