Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

A C#/.NET RethinkDB database driver with 100% ReQL API coverage. Architecturally, this driver is a port of the official Java driver.
A lightweight YAML-based Windows server configuration tool - this is the library used for custom task plugins.
ASP.NET Full Framework SessionState and OutputCache Providers for Couchbase .NET SDK
SphinxConnector.NET is a fully asynchronous .NET client API for the Sphinx full-text search engine and its fork Manticore Search. It provides a fluent query API with object mapping capabilities that allows for an easy integration of Sphinx into your applications. After the installation, SphinxConnec...
A disciplined way to manage FluentMigration project and track change of stored procedures, sql function...
Execute LINQ queries on Lucene.Net complete with object to Document mapping.
Package Description
Package Description
Rhino Etl is a developer friendly Extract, transform and load (ETL) library for .NET
A library to abstract (serial) communication to increase testability. Part of Inlay Tester software application.
C# library for Xamarin to interact with Digi International's XBee radio frequency modules from mobile devices.
LaunchDarkly common code for .NET and Xamarin clients
A compatibility library for NEsper.
A shared library with a (serial) driver for communicating with RFID readers/modules from FEIG Electronic.
Evaluate Dependencies and DetectInstall elements defined in an Lenovo System Update Package xml.
Kernel for the MORYX client framework with infrastructure and shared components.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate library version III.
This library wraps the functionality found in the Ipfs.Api library. It is merely a proof of concept, and it should not be relied upon.
Strongly-typed message-based Entity Actor AKKA.NET library.
DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)