Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging.Core

Total dependencies: 183

Condense Light in-process runtime to support Condense framework domains
An easy to use OAuth 2 authentication provider for ASP.NET MVC5 and OWIN.
Nethereum JsonRpc.Client core library to use in conjunction with either the JsonRpc.RpcClient, the JsonRpc.IpcClient or other custom Rpc provider
The Core module for BetterModules. BetterModules is modular architecture supporting web based and business logic modules.
The Core Web module for BetterModules. BetterModules is modular architecture supporting web based and business logic modules.
Web Automation Test Common Library
Core of IntegrationServer, an asynchronous job scheduling server.
Data store repository abstractions.
The package contains a set of utility classes and extensions to easily create stubs and mocks for Creatio platform.
The package contains a set of utility classes and extensions to easily create stubs and mocks for bpm'online platform.
BACnet protocol library for .NET
Nethereum JsonRpc.Client core library to use in conjunction with either the JsonRpc.RpcClient, the JsonRpc.IpcClient or other custom Rpc provider
Description of the Package
A token manager for Sentinel based on RavenDB.
This is a IoC container based on Dependency Injection. As dependencies are controlled with attributes, you do not need any code to register, lookup, or wire object instances. It is self contained by defining attributes in your classes. Configuration can also be externalized with a declarative XML c...
nCode Core