Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ClosedXML

Total dependencies: 122

WebApi extensions for ClosedXML
MingUtil some useful unitity for winform
ClosedXML TableReader is a ClosedXML extension to read Excel tables to dotnet dataTable or generic typed collection
app-stitch is a visually simple yet powerful way of designing business rules. Combine the many channels to stitch different apps together and save hours on auditing, authentication, automation and validation.
Canducci Excel Extensions Methods IQueryable and IEnumerable
Classes to generate Excel Report in ASP.NET
MVC extensions for ClosedXML
The library ExcelReportGenerator allows you to render data to Microsoft Excel by marking Excel sheets using panels and templates. It makes it easy to connect to various data sources like IDataReader, DataSet, DataTable, IEnumerable<T> and others and to render data from them to Excel. You can also ap...
Conversões e Formatações para auxiliar o desenvolvimento
Devshed CSV Library
Package with extensions and util methods to manipulate Enumerables, Strings, Integers, Datetime, Object, etc.
Adds OpenXML support to DoddleReport. The currently supported format is Excel and is more robust than the default ExcelReportWriter in DoddleReport.
app-stitch is a visually simple yet powerful way of designing business rules. Combine the many channels to stitch different apps together and save hours on auditing, authentication, automation and validation.
Story — a digital-platform developed by BREFFI, allowing you to create interactive presentations with immediate feedback on the change in the customer perception of the brand and the representative’s activity.
ASP.NET extensions for ClosedXML
Generic export for .net collections to CSV or Excel
Utilidad para exportar a excel desde un IEnumerable tipado. Permite (entre otras cosas): - Trabajar con multiples hojas. - Específicar las columnas a mostrar y darles formato. - Dar formatos condicionales a las filas en base a los valores de los elementos del enumerado. ...
Helpers utilizados para auxiliar no desenvolvimento
Serializer for Excel