Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CavemanTools

Total dependencies: 15

Fast, versatile Ado.Net data mapper with helpers to improve productivity when working with a RDBMS. Designed for flexibility and ease of use. Full async support for operations and helpers, featuring a strongly typed sql builder
Power tools for the seasoned Asp.Net Mvc developer. Enjoy greater flexibility and control with html conventions, routing conventions, action filter conventions, view engine conventions and smart controllers.
StartItUp integration with Autofac
An alternative to the good but somewhat outdated NEventStore, DominoES is designed to be easy to use, lightweight and versatile. Featuring: .Net Core support, Multi-tenant support, Bulk read model generation assistance, Easy migrations and event data rewriting support (for those special cas...
Power tools for the seasoned WebApi developer. Enjoy greater flexibility and control with routing conventions
Light toolkit to organize and execute your app's startup tasks in a maintainable manner
Package Description
Package Description