Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle.Core

Total dependencies: 1176

TakeIo.Essentials is a RESTful framework for ASP.NET MVC 3. TakeIo.Essentials supports Sinatra-like (from Ruby) routes, implements OPTIONS and HEAD methods in a reasonable way, adds syntax-sugar methods for returning OpenSocial (JSON/XML) single items and collections, decouples routing from controll...
Dynamically generates client proxies for internal WCF services where you can share contract assemblies.
An Aspect Oriented framework for StructureMap.
Lightweight implementation of the ActiveRecord pattern, built on top of the 10gen Mongo C# driver.
A VS2010 project that can be dropped into any Solution, to provide a basic framework for constructing selenium tests. Some samples have been included.
Castle Windsor support for Radical Framework
Generic support for IOC/DI, logging, data etc. The default implementation is NLog and CastleWindsor. If you would like to use log4net or a different container, reference the Core project and the logging and container of your choice.
CastleWindsor container support for Infrastructure.Core
Caramel Castle ActiveRecord
Caramel Castle ActiveRecord StructureMap
Caramel Quartz
Caramel Quartz Castle
Caramel Service Model
Caramel ServiceModel Castle
Autofac DynamicProxy2
A pluggable interceptor which allows interception of the NH entity creation program - warning may bust lazy loading at the moment!
ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC Container to rule everywhere.
Lhp's test of the NuGet