Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Caliburn.Micro

Total dependencies: 122

Remote Silverlight XAP loading extensions for Caliburn Micro based projects.
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Conventions and classes for using DevExpress WPF controls with Caliburn.Micro
A library to enable attaching Caliburn.Micro messages to FrameworkContentElement descendant objects.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
Integration of Caliburn.Micro with Telerik's controls: conventions, IWindowManager implementation (TelerikWindowManager), extensions methods to IWindowManager: Alert, Confirm, Prompt. Target frameworks: Silverlight 5.0, WPF 4. Source code with sample projects available at http://gith...
Conventions and classes for using DevExpress WPF controls with Caliburn.Micro
Somethings in Caliburn.Micro should be accessible from the PCL, but aren't yet.
Adds required dependencies for C4 Client Addon packages.
A base library for creating universal application with Caliburn Micro.
WPF Composite UI library based on Caliburn.Micro
The description of the package
Template for a project using Caliburn.Micro, ReactiveUI and MahApps.Metro