Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Cake.Core

Total dependencies: 125

Cake aliases for SonarScanner. To be used in conjunction with the sonar-scanner tool.
SimpleVersion - A simple tool to version your code
Addin that extends Cake with CMake support.
Get a simple Cake context in your ScriptCs scripts
Cake addin for easy creation of GitHub releases.
Cake Build addon to assist with reading version numbers from an assembly.
A cake addin for running GitLab pipelines and jobs via the GitLab API
Cake tasks module
Cake GitVersion tasks
Cake .NET Core tasks
Cake TFS CI tasks
Cake AppVeyor CI tasks
Cake Add-In, that allows the Manipulation of the UWP appxmanifest
Cake addin for working with BenchmarkDotNet
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Cake addin for fluent description for appcenter package upload relative tasks.