Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on BouncyCastle.NetCore

Total dependencies: 160

Generic helpers for .NET projects
Package Description
Cryption Algorithm collection, include AES, DES, RSA(Support PEM key and XML key), Chinese SM3, SM4, conversion of number systems
UWP host for Globeport Elements
Contains POCOs for serializing an deserializing Alexa requests and responses, including support for display directives for the Echo Show. It also includes handlers for requesting user profile data and device data as well as sending progressive responses for long-running requests.
IOST Blockchain SDK for C#. SDK to create a wallet, upload a Smart Contract, or use the IOST blockchain for application integration
Common library of OpenTouryo. This package is used from template of OpenTouryo.
FirmaXadesNetCore es una adaptacion a .NET Standard 2.0 FirmaXadesNet es una librería desarrollada en C# para la generación de firmas XAdES realizada por el Dpto. de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Concejalía de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, la cual está basada en una modificación del XAdES sta...
Official sdk for nem.
Channel library for dotnet core 3.1. TCP, UDP, Web socket, HTTP
NEO lightwallet / blockchain API for C#. Allows you to interact with smart contracts in the NEO blockchain.
NBlockchain is a toolkit for developers to build their own blockchain applications.
Generic base client for client SDKs
Cipherise does away with passwords and usernames, giving your customers an easy, secure login with their mobile device. With a simple, quick scan of a WaveCode, they can achieve multi-factor authentication in a single action. * Move towards a passwordless experience for your customers. * No...
AmazonPay service. This API section enables you to programmatically retrieve shipping and payment information provided by the buyer from their Amazon account. It allows you to authorize, capture, and refund payments, enabling a variety of payments scenarios.
Package Description
NetScape Cache
Package Description