Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Simple event aggregator/messenger for .net applications
Stand-alone version of the Orchard Eventbus.
Unity Adapter for Griffin.Framework Allows you to use Autofac for all IoC features in Griffin.Framework
NEasyMessaging Endpoint
An Autofac extension that adds recognition of IOrderedEnumerable<T> as a relationship type, allowing multiple dependencies to be resolved in a guaranteed order.
NEasyMessaging WebApi
This is a simple class to implement the Command Pattern in C# using Autofac. Please see the Wiki at my git repo for an example of use. Or you can download the tests from my repo. Feel free to Fork and send me Pull Requests
Register components to Autofac with attributes and inject them to fields/properties.
Helpers for unit testing with Autofac.AttributedComponent
Autofac dependencies loader (by configuration)
This package contains the 'MvvX.Autofac.Extras' extension for MvvmCross that allow you to use Autofac as IOC.
Autofac IOC implementation for Nostromo
Autofac solutions for .Net framework
Dextop Api provides stateless Dextop mode