Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Aufofac service provider implementation for confifu
Makes my life easier with UWP.
Fix the MVC dependency resolver bug
A library that provides download and install capability of archives based on an update feed describing the new archives. This library can be used as the basis for auto-updating applications.
Add Aspect-oriented programming to Autofac
Autofac IoC integration for Kekiri
Autofac integration for Hummingbird's EntityFramework implementation.
Combining MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro and Autofac Bootstrapper support
SQS extension for ShuttleBus
Adds Autofac support to Windows Phone MVC
An MVVM+Controller implementation for WPF & WP7, giving all the goodness of MVVM while introducing a controller to make it easier to write better apps easier. Supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
log4net Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction.
NLog Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction.
Never set up IContainerProviderAccessor and AutofacHostFactory by hand again
Utility belt for registering the container
Various tools to extend Autofac