Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Provides a communication method that provides ways to send messages and commands to remote endpoints. There are also ways of receiving notifications from the same remote endpoints.
Provides Autofac container adapters for Rebus
A modular and dynamic pipeline
OWIN support for the ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Integration for Autofac
Xamling Core for development the Xamling way
This package is extension for AE.Http.Proxy which provide simple integration with autofac DI container
ServiceBridge.Interception implementation for Autofac IoC.
Package Description
Package that adds whats needed to run a webapi library with iis owin connection and autofac, mediatr.
This library contains a number of helper methods and functions that work with app configuration easier
Wrapper for the inversion of control container Autofac - Add-in X
Adds base classes and extention methods to allow fakes to be used from autofac in test server startup.
Instantiate different webdrivers based on configuration.
Receiver side library for the AppFx.Microservices communication framework
Identity Management store layer for PostgreSQL.
Identity Management store layer using Effort mock database.
Contains the core classes to perform health checks in .Net
Automatic discovery and loading in order of all Autofac modules in all referenced assemblies.