Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Provides LightBDD integration with Autofac, allowing to use Autofac as DI container for LightBDD scenarios.
Multitenancy for AspNetCore 2.0 See hompage for full description.
Utility classes and methods for using AdaptiveClient to work with DBContext and other Entity Framework Core objects. Build loosely coupled services, readily accessible via a lightweight façade. Easily build your service layer to use multiple providers (MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite) with no additional infra...
This package provides utilities for JsonNet.
This library contains an Autofac module to register configuration types.
Flatwhite is an AOP library with MVC and WebAPI ActionFilter style using Castle dynamic proxy. You can create MethodFilterAttribute to add custom logic to any methods as soon as it is interceptable by Castle Dynamic Proxy. Flatwhite has 1 built-in OutputCacheFilter to cache method result which can a...
TypeRegistry for DynamicSpecs, based on AutoFac and FakeItEasy
Extension methods for registering the mappers from Affecto.Mapping.AutoMapper NuGet into Autofac container.
Eventual autofac registrations
uBeSocial is an Umbraco Back-Office extension that allows for easy posting to multiple social networks at once.
Autofac resolver for DataOnion2. To contribute or for more information visit