Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Package Description
Adds Debugging features to the Stormancer grid.
This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 Console app, pre-configured and ready to use with, 1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup. 2. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks. 3. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0. 4. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3 using `do...
Package Description
A lightweight ORM framework for .NET Core applications.
Abstract part of a library that create a runner for Xamarin.Froms application and generic host
Support for pooled instance lifetime scopes in Autofac dependency injection.
Autofac diagnostics support to enable DOT graph visualization of resolve requests.
Meow.Core 是 Meow 基础类库。 个人学习使用。 来源 作者:何镇汐 地址: 请使用原作者版本,尊重原作者劳动成果,谢谢!
Spear Framework
Enhances the Reactive UI MVVM framework with easy to use patterns for the most common use cases.
CLI Commandlet host and execution engine, Lamar container bindings
.NetFramework Autofac帮助类
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
A library for Clinical6 UI Controls Renders (a product of Parallel6)
A cross platform wrapper for NetworkManager on iOS and Android
A cross platform wrapper for SpeechToText on iOS and Android<
A cross platform wrapper for MediaCapture on iOS and Android
A Xamarin wrapper for TextToSpeech on iOS and Android
ZYNet with netstandard2.0