Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutoMapper

Total dependencies: 2264

K-Society Base is a full stack framework for microservices.
This library contains the basic to start wpf application
LogORM is an ORM tool on database with Log2Net log collection.This component automatically collects logs when database data changed. This component supports.NET platform and.NETCore platform, supports sql server, oracle, mysql, and can be easily extended to other databases. It eliminates the need fo...
Basic tools for database developement.
A .NET SDK written in C# that makes it easy to connect to all endpoints in the X/Twitter API (v2).
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. Package based over the mediatr pattern (mediatr package used). For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package. Mediator pattern impementation.
Package Description
Common extension, helpers, objects (related to MEF and Plugins)
Autumn.Mvc.Data is aspNet Core extension that will make it easier for you to write your REST Data Repository APIs. Its purpose is to convert a query in RSQL format to lamba expression and to provide a pagination mechanism. Install it and test it!
ZeroSlope Infrastructure Library
Package Description
Helper library to startup new web based projects using DDD Architecture
Componente transversal de la arquitectura. Contiene un conjunto de clases que implementan los contratos para operaciones de cache, seguridad, loggin, operaciones con archivos, email, etc.
实体对象基类,及其常用操作。 常用操作包括:对象转换、序列化、日志、常用异常处理、依赖注入。
Application framework for .NET Core
Application framework for .NET Core
This package includes sample controllers, models, views for mvc codefirst project. Also it will generate sample seed data for database.
PCL for controlling Vera devices. Cross platofrom for iOS, Android and Windows 10 (UWP)
Domain-Driven Design pattern helper * Behaviors * Events For more details see GitLab and look for the project.