Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AngularJS Core

Total dependencies: 88

Test packages
Easy-to-use AngularJS module for token-based client authorization. Ideal for use with Web Api
Debug Service
SignalRService Service
Notifications/Confirms dialogs service
Minimal dependancies for angular project which use angular, typescript and requirejs
Angular Virtual Scroll
This is the core files for all the web projects
Core files for UI project
Web project template. Downloads all dependencies...
Angular version of the insanely cool jsoneditor
Front End for admin panel
DMFramework for ASP.NET MVC
SharePoint REST API wrapper for AngularJS
AngularMotion is an animation starter-kit built for AngularJS 1.2.0+. It's a spin off from AngularStrap v2 release work.
A custom scaffolder built using T4Scaffolding and MvcScaffolding which scaffold a ASP .NET controller, SPA View, AngularJs Controller, WEB API...
Manual operation: 1.Modify file namespace :App_Start\BundleConfig.cs 2.uninstall package: Bootstrap Respond JS 3.Delete the following files: Content\Site.css