Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Amazon.CDK

Total dependencies: 217

CDK Construct for managing SSM Documents (Stability: Stable)
CDK Construct for managing EC2 key pairs (Stability: Stable)
@seeebiii/projen-test (Stability: Stable)
cdk constructs for antenny
p6-barrier (Stability: Stable)
aws-cdk-build-badge (Stability: Stable)
@stefanfreitag/aws-budget-notifier (Stability: Experimental)
cdk-image-builder-patterns (Stability: Stable)
A set of Step Functions high-level patterns. (Stability: Experimental)
Deploy a URL shortener with custom domain support in just a few lines of code. (Stability: Experimental)
cdk-alps-graph-ql (Stability: Stable)
cdk-alps-spec-rest-api (Stability: Stable)
A dummy construct, used for automated testing of jsii-publish (Stability: Experimental)
This nuget contains an implementation of the "Centralised logging for AWS Lambda, REVISED (2018)" pattern described here The pattern is implemented in a reusable AWS CDK Construct coded in C#. The nuget can be consu...
An AWS CDK Construct that enforces encryption on an S3 bucket
This nuget contains an implementation of the "Centralised logging for AWS Lambda, REVISED (2018)" pattern described here The pattern is implemented in a reusable AWS CDK Construct coded in C#. The nuget can be consu...
A CDK Construct that creates a CodePipeline that will build and deploy a CDK Stack
This CDK Construct helps create IAM Managed Policies and IAM Roles using JSON Configuration (Stability: Stable)
The NodejsFunction from the @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs package but with the AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED automatically set.
A simple CDK JSON seeder for DynamoDB (Stability: Experimental)