Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Akka.Cluster

Total dependencies: 22

Replicated data using CRDT structures
Distributed publish/subscribe, client and singleton support for Akka.NET cluster
Helper classes for combining the Akka.Remote.TestKit with Akka.Cluster
The member nodes of the cluster can collect system health metrics and publish that to other cluster nodes and to the registered subscribers on the system event bus with the help of Cluster Metrics Extension.
This package provides an algorithm which is a able to tune (improve the performance of) an algorithm.
Akka.Cluster Petabridge.Cmd palettes for cluster management and monitoring.
Akka.NET and Akka.Cluster healthchecks for environments like K8s, AWS, Azure, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and more.
Emerald framework.
Package Description
Makes it easier to use TDD in building actor systems with Akka.NET
Akka.NET and Akka.Cluster healthchecks for environments like K8s, AWS, Azure, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and more.
Akka.NET Split Brain Resolver
Long running Akka.NET scheduler backed by Akka.Persistence
Long running Akka.NET scheduler backed by Akka.Persistence
clustering library for akkatecture to enable distributed scenarios
Package Description