NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ScaffR.Data.Common [3 dependencies]

Description required.
NXKit core ASP.Net WebForms view control.
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JsonDiffPatch [3 dependencies]

Library for diffing and RFC 6902 patching json objects - forked from Tavis.JsonPatch, with an addition of json diff code by Ian Mercer, with additional partial array LCS diff by JC Dickinson
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Dragon.Files [3 dependencies]

My package description.
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Affecto.Patterns.Cqrs [3 dependencies]

Interfaces and base implementation for the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
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Cake addin to use SynVer [3 dependencies]

Cake addin in order to be able to get next syntactic (semantic) version of nuget package based on changes to the public API
View, print and process images and PDF documents in ASP.NET MVC 5 application. ASP.NET Web API 2 controllers, which allow to manage files, manage an image collection, render an image, process an image. JavaScript classes and controls for viewing, printing and processing of images and PDF documents i...
Package Description
System.Fabric.Strings Class Library
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Freya.Polyfills.Hopac [3 dependencies]

Polyfills for future/draft elements of the OWIN standards for various server implementations
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YesSql.Provider.SqlServer [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Metodos de auxilio para extração de dados.
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Endeavor.Steps [3 dependencies]

Step Interface for the Endeavor Workflow Engine
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CreativeCoders.Daemon.Base [3 dependencies]

Base classes and types for daemon services
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Hopitel.EventBus [3 dependencies]

DLL used in EventBus subscriptions
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DickinsonBros.Telemetry [3 dependencies]

A Telemetry service Features * Captures Telemetry (Name, ElapsedMilliseconds, TelemetryType, TelemetryState, DateTime) * Sends Telemetry Event
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
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DomainWorkflows.Scheduler [3 dependencies]

DomainWorkflows scheduler abstractions
The Google Cloud Functions Framework Hosting package makes it easy to run a web server to execute functions.
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Metrixware.MI.MaaS.Model [3 dependencies]

MainframeIntegrator RESTFul API Model for JSON returned values