NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
SQL Server / SQL Azure job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Provides common functionality for generic web applications.
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Vanguard [3 dependencies]

A simple guard library for validating method parameters without being a complete validation library. This library makes it easy to validate method arguments in a uniform way.
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Fabiohvp.Web.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Extension methods for .Net classes
This package contains SendGrid binding extensions.
Abstractions for the Stormpath.Configuration package.
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Sid.MailKit.Abstractions [3 dependencies]

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UrlBase64 [3 dependencies]

A standards-compliant implementation of url-safe base64 encode/decode for .NET projects with Span optimizations.
User server model. AspNet membership Based
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Fugu.Security [3 dependencies]

Application framework for .NET Core
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RsCode [3 dependencies]

A command line tool that validates files against a JSON schema.
An implementation of IClusterProvider based on ClusterConfig topologies.
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Geev.ZeroCore [3 dependencies]

Núcleo de aplicação.
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RapidCMS.Core [3 dependencies]

RapidCMS is a Blazor framework which allows you to build a responsive and flexible CMS purely from code.
Package Description
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Cogworks.AzureSearch [3 dependencies]

A wrapper to Azure Search allowing to easily setup Azure Search indexes, searchers.