NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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SI.Hardware.Core [3 dependencies]

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RpcLite [3 dependencies]

RpcLite Class Library
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ZeroFormatter.Interfaces [3 dependencies]

Plain interfaces and KeyTuple of ZeroFormatter, it is used for define serializable targets.
ServiceProxy is used to call remote Microdot services. It is a runtime-generated transparent proxy which implements the remote service's public interface, translating all calls performed on it to HTTP calls. Part of the Microdot framework.
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Rapid Logger [3 dependencies]

Logger Wrapper for RapidLogger Extensions
Sink based logging abstractions.
Jal.Router integration with azure service bus (net standard library)
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Microsoft.Z3.x64 [3 dependencies]

Z3 is a satisfiability modulo theories solver from Microsoft Research. Linux Dependencies: installed
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Equinox.Cosmos [3 dependencies]

Composable high performance event sourcing componentry
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Reloaded.Memory.Buffers [3 dependencies]

An implementation of efficient, shared, concurrent and permanent storage of objects in unmanaged memory in static, non-changing locations that last the lifetime of a given process. Allows allocating memory between a given minimum and maximum address. Useful stuff for DLL Injection and Hooking.
Auto BindableProperty in Xamarin.Forms with Fody.
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SmartSql.InvokeSync [3 dependencies]

SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
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FreeSql.Provider.Oracle [3 dependencies]

FreeSql 数据库实现,基于 Oracle 11
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NETCOS.Net.Http [3 dependencies]

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MyFramework.Core.Singleton [3 dependencies]

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TinyRecoil.Relay [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Equalizer [3 dependencies]

Package Description