NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Provides reusable extensions that make implementing an event store over an underlying IQueryable repository trivial.
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NetReflector [3 dependencies]

NetReflector is a dynamic reflective populator for the .NET platform. It uses C# attributes to dynamically construct an object model from a configuration file. It greatly simplifies building configurable, pluggable applications by handling the mapping. NetReflector is released und...
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Html2Markdown [3 dependencies]

A library for converting HTML to markdown syntax in C#
boost_program_options-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
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STSdb 4.0 [3 dependencies]

The Maxfire Webstack MVC Library contains a bunch of ASP.NET MVC Extensions.
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VSSDK.IDE.14 [3 dependencies]

This is a metadata-only package used as a dependency for reference packages and extensions that target Visual Studio 2015 and newer. If you find this package installed in an extension that is supposed to target Visual Studio 2013 or older, use NuGet to uninstall the package and it will report...
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nobjectid [3 dependencies]

objectid from mongodb is a sort of global unique identifier(guid)
Objects for Flexberry Service Bus.
A Asp.Net Core client for Butterfly.
Package Description
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Threax.PackageUpdate [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Jal.HttpClient.Serilog [3 dependencies]

Jal.HttpClient library integration with Serilog
Simple, powerful, customizable file download manager library for Android
Package Description
Performs roundtrip serialization testing.
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Tulkas.Core.Entities [3 dependencies]

Generic Entity, Dto and user model
Package Description