Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on StructureMap

Total dependencies: 370

CLI Commandlet host and execution engine, StructureMap container bindings
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver. Works with 'Controllers' and 'ApiControllers'.
Dependency injection modules for StructureMap that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an...
Dependency injection modules for StructureMap that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an...
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on StructureMap.
Living technical documentation authoring for .Net and Javascript projects
Client library for DAS Activities
Integrates StructureMap with the Graphite web framework.
Provides Azure ServiceBus messaging structure map configuration
Package Description
Quidjibo delivers flexible async background jobs for .NET applications
Client for SFA.DAS.EmployerFinance.Api
Structuremap container support, for the dotnettency Mutlitenancy library for dotnet standard compatible applications.
An adapter for using the StructureMap IoC container with Teclyn.
BrickPile is a lightweight CMS built on RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC 5
Drop in persistence with RavenDb for FubuMVC / StructureMap applications
FubuMVC 3, the .Net web and service bus framework that gets out of your way
Aperea.Bootstrap is a small opinionated bootstrapper for Applications, it uses StructureMap und the CommonServiceLocator for IoC
WebApi outbox integration for SFA.DAS.NServiceBus