Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

only private project use
EPiServer Elasticsearch client using NEST
Log4Net wrapper that supports logging to a Wpf RichTextBox using custom Appender
Api for ecard
.NET Helper Libraries
A helper dll for creating screensaver projects for WPF applications
Kinetix Monitoring Module
SharpBrake library fork. - Supports log4net appender so no code changes are needed to send messages to AirBrake - only configuration. - Fixes bugs in the original code where line-numbers were not reported correctly. - Allows to send information messages - not necessarily exceptions. - Removes Common...
ApplicationLogging provides interfaces and classes to allow simple logging from a client application. The included interface IApplicationLogger can be injected into client classes, and exposes simple methods for capturing detailed logging information from these client classes. The main benefit of A...
Library that logs dynamic classes to an Elastic Search instance. It may also dump the same bit to a local storage path
Tinos Core
RS-232 API by Pyramid Technologies
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter. Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
Various utilities for C#.NET.
Infrastructure code for all the projects
Infrastructure code for RabbitMQ projects
Win services quick creation