Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Provides log4net logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
A .Net client for our JudoPay API, allowing you to quickly and easily process payments
log4net appender for
MassTransit Host Service; MassTransit is a message-based distributed application framework for .NET
Library containing a set of utils, services and design pattern implementations POCOs.
Castle log4net integration, logging services from Apache based on log4j
Library containing a set of common utils for Visual Studio extension.
GELF log4net core classes.
Log4Net logging adapter for Purplebricks message sending infrastructure
This package allows Autofac to integrate with the log4net logging framework. The main feature of the package is its Log4NetModule for Autofac.
基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架
Package Description
Library containing a set of utils for Windows Forms
Library containing a set of functionalities to fuse the Ninject framework with the Dogma Solutions ServiceLocator.
The commercetools.NET SDK allows developers to work effectively with the commercetools platform in their .NET applications by providing typesafe access to the commercetools HTTP API.
This package contains everything you need to develop an applications for ASCON Pilot Server
Adapter for saving log4Net messages to cloud / on-premises.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Test library version II.
Logentries logging library for log4net support.
Document Engine for processing PDF, DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, ODS, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WMF, EMF, TIFF, and MTIFF files. Note that this is a base package and cannot be used by itself.