Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Azure Storage

Total dependencies: 1191

Sleet is a static NuGet package feed generator.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Azure Storage Client Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Access Sleet.exe commands through the Sleet API.
An NLog target using Microsoft Azure Storage Append Blobs in .NET Core App(1.x ~ 2.x). Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 1.6 - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Core 1.0 ~ .NET Core 1.1 - .NET Core 2.0 ~ .NET Core 2.2
Package Description
Azure IoT Edge Log Module used to log files in docker, copy local files to Azure Blob storage, and download Azure Blob storage files to local storage.
A multi-cloud file storage library (S3, Google Cloud buckets, Azure blobs) for C#
Store media files in Azure Storage You have to configure the file system provider for your Azure Storage Account in umbraco /config in file FileSystemProviders.config. This package installs a sample config file: ~/Config/FileSystemProviders-sample.config
The library provides API to connect to MS Azure Stogate tables.
A library of miscellaneous utility classes related to Azure Storage. Some are experimental. Some are being used in live products. The project is published just in case it might be useful to other developers.
Azure.Data.Wrappers Class Library
Use Azure Blob and Table Storage as the read store and data store in CQRS.NET. This version is targeted at .net 4.7.2 using Azure.Data.Tables and Azure.Storage.Blobs version 12
Common libraries
Infrastructure project setup for building modern enterprise applications using EntityFramework or Azure Table Storage.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
Core support library for NuGet Gallery Frontend and Backend
Extensions for Neudesic.Elements.Data for Microsoft's Azure platform.
Lightning quick .NET Core Digital Experience Platform - Enterprise functionalities, quick, simple and hassle-free.
This is a NuGet package used for all global methods/procedures/functions required for the Brightway enterprise.