Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Azure Storage

Total dependencies: 1191

Package Description
Common helpers for our backend projects
Package for backing up Azure Storage
The package helps in working with azure queue. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process to manage queue on azure cloud for .Net Framework,.Net Core applications, .NetStandard2.1.
Azure Storage Logging Provider.
Extensions for NLog
LightBlue is a lightweight Azure development platform designed to replace a subset of the Azure emulator functionality
Provides Autofac support for the LightBlue Azure development platform
Use this library to help create your elasticsearch based solutions on Azure Web and Worker Roles. It manages the installation of Elasticsearch, Java, and any plugins you provide. All new instances are automatically added to the cluster using automatic discovery. It also comes with ...
FubarDevelopment's FTP server file system implementation for Azure Blob
Backup Azure Blob Storage containers.
Send E-Mail using the template file that is placed on the AzureStorage. E-Mail sent will use the SendGrid service. The template can be written in Velocity.
RequestLogger.AzureTable Class Library allows to log requests to Azure Table Storage
A library for working with Azure Storage
A rule-based, contextual logging and telemetry framework for .NET.
A set of msbuild tasks to support automated build for projects
Used internally in MeterVue by I+P Services
A simple wrapper for storing data in Azure Blob Storage
log4net Appenders for Azure Table and Blob support, some with Async support