Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel

Total dependencies: 415

Base classes for Dryv. Dryv provides complex model validation for server and client made easy. Write complex model validation rules in C# once. Dryv will generate JavaScript for client-side validation.
Memory-mapped file paging subsystem. Physical pages.
The Microsoft Enterprise Library provides a Common Service Locator for abstracting away IoC containers. .NET Standard port of this package contains an implementation of the Common Service Locator for use with Autofac.
MVVM and CQRS Toolkit for W81/WPA81/UWP/.NET Core 1.0/.NET 4.5 apps
Implicit & declarative Animations library for Xamarin Forms.
Cheers data finder and repository implementation with EntityFrameworkCore
WMI providers that handle performance metrics for various WMI classes.
MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
Open Connectivity Foundation's (OCF) Open Inter-Conneect (OIC) for .Net providing device discovery, arbitrary transport, client/server communication. More details about OIC here:
An Umbraco plugin to read epub books online
MVVM<BareKnuckleStyle> - Navigation infrastructure
Extend your IDbConnection with high-performance bulk operations Features: BulkInsert, BulkDelete, BulkUpdate, BulkMerge, and more! Support: SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite;ORM framework Sub-database Sub-table, Read-write Separation, Master-slave delay, Distributed cache Include free and prime features.
PubNub allows you to securely connect mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and other clients outside of your cloud. PubNub provides the connectivity from your cloud to push data to end clients (phones, tablets, laptops and servers). This is called Real-time Data Push, or Push Notifications. Pub...
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
.NET Standard port of this Common Service Locator library contains a shared interface for service location which application and framework developers can reference. The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly acc...
Package Description
Base framework for Virteom Android apps
Base Bluetooth capabilities for iOS apps
Bulk Data API/Tools for SQL Server databases. Easily perform bulk "upsert" operations on your database. Nifty helper utility for moving around large sets of data.