Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Simple Injector

Total dependencies: 347

The Simple Injector ASP.NET Integration package adds a lifestyle to the Simple Injector called 'Per Web Request', which allows instances to live within a single HTTP request and get disposed when the request ends.
SimpleInjector IoC Hangfire Integration
Extensions and helpers for SimpleInjector
Fuxion library for SimpleInjector dependency injection.
Adapter for the SimpleInjector IoC Container
Helpers For .Net Standard
Xunit-based testing base classes with support for dependency injection. Libraries supporting specific DI containers (SimpleInjector, ServiceProvider) are in separate packages.
Work queue for dot net 4.6.2, 4.7.2, 4.8, dot net standard 2.0, 6.0 and 8.0 SQL server, SQLite, Redis and PostgreSQL transports are available.
Provides Hangfire extensions, especially suited for CQRS development. (Out of band processing).
Provides validation pipeline and recursive DataAnnotations annotation
SimpleInjector IoC for KnightBus
SimpleInjector support for Aggregates.NET
Use SimpleInjector as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
Contains common functionality for rendering email templates using razor engine and sending emails via MailKit.
KickStart Extension for SimpleInjector
Simplify.DI SimpleInjector provider
EventSourcing SimpleInjector integration
.NET standard NHibernate extensions, convetions
Generic tools for RavenDbAuditing
A library to make things cross-platform that should be.